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Identifying a birth injury after bringing your baby home

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2024 | Birth Injuries, Catastrophic Injuries, Medical malpractice |

Giving birth to a child and bringing them home is a joyous occasion, but it can also be overwhelming. When parents hear the term “birth injury,” they often think of something that happens during birth and is identified immediately. However, that is not always the case. Sometimes, the injury is not recognized, and you realize something is wrong after you have left the hospital.

Here’s how to identify potential birth injuries and steps to take if you notice concerning signs. Please note that these are not sure signs of a birth injury, but they potentially could be, which is why it is vital to take action if you see any of these in your child.

Physical symptoms

Many first-time parents feel confused when they bring their baby home because they do not know what is normal and what is not. However, in today’s world, where information is everywhere, you should have an idea of what to expect.

If you notice unusual signs on your baby’s body, such as bruising, swelling, limited movement in the baby’s extremities, or pain when you touch them, you may want to consult a specialized medical practitioner.

Developmental delays

Another sign of a birth injury can be a developmental delay. All babies grow at their own pace, but most hit certain milestones at certain ages. If your child is not meeting these milestones, such as rolling over, sitting up or crawling, this could be a sign of a birth injury.

Difficulty feeding

If your baby has problems latching on or sucking or refuses food altogether, it may be a sign of oral or neurological issues stemming from a birth injury.

Seizures and other unusual behavior

If your baby has a seizure, excessive fussiness or lethargy, you should see a medical practitioner immediately. These symptoms should be taken seriously, as they could indicate neurological damage.

If your baby suffered a birth injury

If you suspect your baby suffered an injury during delivery or due to the negligence of your medical professional, consult with a personal injury attorney as soon as you can. They can help you understand your rights as a new mother or father and explore potential compensation options.

